Featured on Holmes Inspection

October 28th, 2009 by admin Leave a reply »

As seen on HGTV’s Holmes Inspection with Mike Holmes

We completed projects on 2 episodes of the inaugural season of Holmes Inspection.

“Troubled Waters” – Poor grading and drainage was resulting in a leaks into the basement. We rectified the problem with a series of Celtik Wall retaining walls and a properly graded patio and walkway.
Click HERE to watch the video online

“Watch Your Step” – A poorly constructed staircase was not to code and didn’t take long to disassemble. It was replaced by a more drawn out entraceway, finished off with a flagstone covering on the porch. The natural stone and textured pavers accentuated the front of the house well. Structurally we went way beyond code by using an Ultrabase foundation, supported by a lintle attached to the house and backfilled the entire staircase in concrete. The steps are now as permanent as their house foundation and dynamite will be needed to remove it.
Click HERE to watch the video online

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  1. Michael Holt says:

    Hey Ryan,

    I remember you from high school and just saw you on the show tonight. Just wanted to say good job and congratulations on all your success!

  2. ryan says:

    Thanks Mike! Gald you caught the show. We’re on again in a few more weeks, so keep watching. All the best.

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